Sunday, June 25, 2006

10 years walking in the light

Saturday, June 10, 2006

a post for the 09 crew

since abby and anna found my blog. i might as well give them something to read. yes anna, no writer's block this time.

affirmations that tues nite made me remember what a LOG'er said to me when i was a freshman; roughly "Your willingness to serve despite the uncertainty of the future, inspires me to keep going, especially when im struggling spiritually."

The same can be said to my "younger brothers and sisters". You truely do have something special, you have allowed Him to use you as His instruments. You may wonder what is that you all do me make me see that. Just as long you realize that you need Him, through good and especially the bad, you will be open to hear his call for you.

I'll try to stay as long as I can. (i did't use the word "hopefully" cause some of you don't like that word)

Friday, June 09, 2006

jacket at TARGET, and

i think i can at least have one pair

since when does finding a $7.00 dollar jacket at TARGET, lead to buying a pair of dunks to match. =/

Sunday, June 04, 2006

pictures, music -> laughs, tears, years of memories

As the year comes to a close, a generation of LOG'ers graduate. From an alumni POV, these people are the ones that came into the family, and had the opportunity to watch them and walk with them in their faith. I've seen so much growth in each of them, and i know the HE has something great for each of them.

Ok I'm done for now, have to make copies of the slideshow