Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Are you feeling seperated from love
And the way you thought this life should be
Just open your heart
Hear these wordsThat were said to me
And say it to me

You're not alone, You're not alone
Even though you feel so far from home
You're not alone, You're not alone
And if you just stop and look around
You're not the only one

"you're not alone" - storyside b

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

...Love sweet love I feel your power
Hear my prayer, we're in your hands now
Take these hearts so lost and broken
Bring us home again
If this prayer for love is never heard
Oh, and if you have to walk away for these are only words

Waiting here for you with love and open arms...

-"My Prayer"-

...Love is not a feeling, but an action...

An action that allowed us to be where we are and where we are to be. There is someone out there who will love you more than you know. You have to be open to receive it. Even more so, if we are made in His image, then we need to LOVE just the same.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

tennis outdoors, not on the wii

Fri: happy b-day frances
tennis after work

So, the last time i played tennis was when i was seven. My family was living in oxnard for a couple months, and after work my dad would take me to the tennis courts. He used to play and has the trophies lying around my house somewhere. Too bad i got really frustrated when i was younger when i was learning new things (i.e. tennis, piano).

I wish I wouldn't give up as much as i do; stupid wall.

Sat: happy b-day brenton
lazy day

Still behind the walls, trying to jump over