Sunday, September 21, 2008


view more here

Spent a majority of Saturday in SD. Catching up with a good friend and a bday dinner and bowling. With some time in the middle, a drive and some signs led me to the mission in SD. 2 hours of walking around and taking pictures. Being called a "photographer", was random and a little funny.

photo project #2: aquarium of the pacific (LB marathon weekend)

photo project #3: ___________ (long-over due disney trip, catalina, seattle).

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

clearer view

turn a dial
and focus on what you want
the rest merely distracts you

you can build walls or reasons
the keystone is fear, remove it and the rest falls

i'll tell you the truth, if you'd listen

If all it took was food and friends to figure that out;
then i need try to cook more often.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


usually my place of solace
utterances of "nothing"
can't change my appearance
letting go and and not wanting to leave
exist in my comfort zone
to see them leave
strength apparent-ly
has faded...
nothing left
see what is left behind
His strength I hold on to
Your love I return