Monday, February 18, 2008


over analyzing any situation will lead to no action. That could be an my M.O. Something that I'd like to stop doing, at least for certain things. Even after all that time has past I've struggled to let things go and forgive myself. All the outlets to get my mind off of it, only led to more thinking about where I am now, and where I'd like to be. After this weekend, the feeling of brokeness, has in fact slowly gone away, and I know its a process like everything else.

To be honest:

I wish I could go back in time and change things
I wish I could be that person you saw before,
I wish I fit in the puzzle
I wish I never broke it
I wish for a new beginning, if you'd let me

Don't know if my actions, as of late, have reflected the words, the prayers, the intentions, I can only hope that You can forgive me, so I can feel like I can forgive myself...

Trying to step into the Light, so you can see YOU in me.